Microplastic exposure through drinking cups and human health effects

Study finds up to 6000 particles/L to be released from disposable drinking cups; scientists estimate humans ingest 37,613–89,294 microplastics through plastic cups use per year; study suggests consumption from plastic containers changes human gut and oral microbiota composition; review concludes that uptake of microplastics carrying pathogens may impact human health

Microplastics in food: occurence, sources, perception

Three studies investigate microplastics in foods; review summarizes particle migration from food packaging into honey and calls for universal analysis methods; research study presents analytical method to detect and identify microplastics in certain foods; survey finds public seems unaware of food packaging as microplastic source and seldomly connects microplastics with human health consequences

What knowledge is missing to derive a microplastic threshold?

Microplastic experts review mammalian in vivo effect studies and develop non-regulatory health-based screening level value for microplastics in drinking water; scientists provide research recommendations to better understand microplastic toxicity, effect levels, and potential health risks to humans and aquatic ecosystems; review discusses nanoplastics’ role in food allergy

Release of microplastic chemicals may pose human health risk

Researchers evaluate whether bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalate esters present in microplastics become bioaccessible under simulated physiologically relevant digestion conditions and calculate potential human health risks; conclude that uptake of primary microplastics might pose severe health risks because of the leachability of some endocrine-disrupting additives