Scientists investigate plastic monomers, additives, and processing aids for their chemical identity, use, and hazard classification; identify >10,000 chemicals; 24% categorized as substances of potential concern of which the majority is not currently subject to management measures; emphasize information gaps regarding substance properties and uses
Author archives: Justin Boucher
Investigating impacts of micro- and nanoplastics in the human body
CUSP cluster launches with five research projects supported by €30 million in EU funding; aims to investigate complex relationships between micro- and nanoplastics and human health over the next five years; AURORA project focused on early-life health
Migration of chemicals and microplastics from microwavable plastics
Scientists analyze migration of chemicals and microplastics from microwavable food containers; identify dozens of intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and up to over one million microplastics per liter in food simulants; migration partly exceeds Cramer class-based recommendations
AURORA project partners begin research
Project partners hold internal launch event; new website, social media accounts, and newsletter created to inform and connect with interested stakeholders; research across project work packages now underway
CUSP research cluster launch events announced
European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro- and Nanoplastics (CUSP) holds public networking and launch events on June 3rd and 9th; AURORA is one of the five EU Horizon 2020 projects involved
Where has all the plastic gone?
Overview article by AURORA partner Utrecht University tracks the journey of plastic through the environment and into humans; discusses current analytical techniques for measuring nanoplastics, new evidence of plastics in the human body